Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Climb That Hill and Have a Look

Much has happened in the past week that I cannot discuss.  I am as busy as I have ever been.  I remember how before I left everyone claimed a year on deployment would be filled with boredom.  I expect it must come much later in deployment.  I have so many projects happening, and so much still to do before I feel established here.  I think as soon as I finally get settled and set to start working on autopilot I will either be home for leave or everything will change again and we will be hectic once more.  I love to work, I have always felt better about everything when I had something to accomplish.  I think this drive came from my competitive streak, that if I wasn't working then someone, somewhere was and they were getting better at my job than me.  I can tell I am becoming short with people though.  I am not trying to burn out, but I am constantly frustrated with the lack of common sense inherent to bureaucracy.  And what is the military with its share of bureaucracy?  There are far too many members of our armed forces for us to not have one.  But the standards don't always make the most sense for those on the ground.  I do miss my family and friends.  Partly because I no longer get to see them at will, partly because I wish they could share this adventure with me, and partly because I feel their lives are continuing forward while mine stays the same.  Not a logical sequence of thought processes, I know.  Not yet a month since we have left and only 4 posts.  I am not sure if it is too many or not enough.  I can never tell what is appropriate online, Tosh.0 has taught me that pretty much anything online can be appropriate.  Even videoblogs dedicated to hate.  For now I keep moving forward.  For us here on the ground, that is all we can do.  Its like climbing up a rock face, you could go all the way down to the bottom but would you really want to?  I am busy enough that the number of my posts will be determined by my workload, not by what is deemed appropriate by society.  There are a lot of personalities here, and they are bound to clash.  It is my hope that not much comes of it.

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